Monday, March 10, 2008
Truffles with TUTU
On Sunday after I arrived home from the Bayside Women's Retreat, Diane (AKA grandma TuTu) was so nice to bring us dinner and for dessert there were truffles! Needless to say Makenna had quite a great time "making" or should I say eating the powdery chocolate goodness and had to go straight to the bath when she was finished-- what fun!!
Notice the concentration on her face-- chocolate is a serious business.

Yum . . . chocolate. I LOVE chocolate.
When she plays in her sandbox, or with water at the sink or with her little kitchen and I ask her what kind of muffin or cookie or cake she is making it is almost always CHOCOLATE. So you can see why she is so thrilled with the real thing. The picture says it all. Thanks Grandma TUTU-- you made my day!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
River's End
In September Josh surprised me with a trip to Jenner, a tiny town on the Russian River where the river meets the sea. We had decided to go on a trip instead of exchanging gifts for our anniversary and I thought we wouldn't have time until November. He had me convinced we were going to a Green Building conference in Petaluma-- interesting but maybe not as fun a night away on the coast listening to the sea crash, hiking through the wild hills, and watching the sun set where the river and the ocean meet!
Here's a butterfly Josh captured on a thisle as we were hiking.

Part of the view from our room-- Just amazing
The view as we hiked along on bluff above Jenner.
Some self portraits!
Not sure what to say about this one-- but it cracks me up! Yeah that's my husband. Love you honey.

Our house was a very, very, very fine house . . . I think they must have been built in the 30's or 40's and have been gradually remodelled -- kind of, but you can't beat the view and so peaceful with no distractions like TV or cell phones. Tiny but charming.
The herb garden below us that the restaurant used to make the most amazing herbal clam chouder.

going . . .going . . .

going . . .going . . .
Bye Bye Jenner we'll come again.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Northstar Tree Farm
So the weekend after Thanksgiving we loaded up and headed out caravan style ( we tried to go green but it just didn't happen) so in true American fashion we arrived in the woods outside of Georgetown in about 4 vehicles! Here's Makenna and Uncle Jerod ready to find the perfect tree. We've come to this farm for a few years and just love the old time Christmas feel of traipsing through the pine covered trails and ending up sitting around the fire with cookies and cider in the end. And you can't beat the $20 trees!
Tom and Mom having a little sustinance before we head out into the great unknown.
Uncle Dennis and cousin Peyten don't look too sure about this whole thing??!!
Here Grandpere you hold these pine needles for us!
Tom and Anna in AWE of the tree selection or is Tom looking a little skeptical about the choices.
Who is that tree with legs? Could it be Uncle Jerod with our perfect tree?

Makenna on the go, searching for our tree-- woohoo it is so much fun I can hardly stand it.

And here we are at the end sipping cider by the fire. What a fun day! Sad to say not everyone found their tree as they did not have many silver tips and nobles but it was a festive day and got us in spirit. And I am still in the spirit as I write this post in late January and our tree still looks great . . . I know, I know it's time but we just love looking at the lights. Josh wants to know if I'm aiming for February-- he humors me, at least I've stopped listening to Christmas music!
Who is that tree with legs? Could it be Uncle Jerod with our perfect tree?
Makenna on the go, searching for our tree-- woohoo it is so much fun I can hardly stand it.
And here we are at the end sipping cider by the fire. What a fun day! Sad to say not everyone found their tree as they did not have many silver tips and nobles but it was a festive day and got us in spirit. And I am still in the spirit as I write this post in late January and our tree still looks great . . . I know, I know it's time but we just love looking at the lights. Josh wants to know if I'm aiming for February-- he humors me, at least I've stopped listening to Christmas music!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A La Plage
A few weeks ago while the boys were at the Bayside Men's Retreat in Tahoe the girls took a road trip in the RV-- courtsey of Jamie. We loaded up Makenna, cousin Peyten, Aunt Jamie and Aunt Kelli and hit the 80 for Pacifica. Jamie pulled the RV like she was driving her Honda-- no big deal making U-turns in downtown SF- not me. Thanks Jamie. We arrived in the afternoon in Pacifica and parked on the bluff above the ocean-- nothing like going to sleep and waking up to the sounds of the sea! So here we are strolling along the first evening after making it down the "50 steps" to the beach-- maybe there were 50 steps in 1950 but the water has taken it's toll and while carrying babies and beach stuff we sidestepped, making our way down the broken concrete "steps"??
SAND TATOO-- while running crazily along the shore Makenna's face collided with the sand.
ROSEY-- Grandma TuTu introduced MJ to Ring around the Rosey- her favorite place to play it is on the beach and it is more like sing the song while chasing her and then grab her and swing her around when you get to the "all fall down"- makes for great exercise . . . Thanks Grandma TuTu.
SAND CASTLE-- Chateaux des Sables-- Aunt Kelli and MJ creating Sand mansions.

I think the picture says it all-- can't you hear the surf rolling in, see the sandpipers scuttling about and feel the sand beneath your feet.
Um Mom I think I need my swim suit on. oops! Why do I always think-- oh it's too cold for her to want to get too wet . . . when will I learn?

I think the picture says it all-- can't you hear the surf rolling in, see the sandpipers scuttling about and feel the sand beneath your feet.
BEACH PEDICURE-- not every 2 year old can boast of her own personal nail lady. Don't know if you can make it out but MJ is showing off her new pedicure of dark purple polish with the heart accent. Thanks Aunt Kelli!

SUG BUG-- Aunt Jamie snugglin' with cousin Peyten. The second day with mostly overcast and cool-- perfect for napping on the beach.
BYE BYE- A bien tot-- see you soon ocean. What a relaxing trip. Loved every minute from dinner on the bluff listening to the ocean, to the evening stoll in the wind with the kids, to the late night chat with the girls and all the time on the beach in between. There is something about that sound that soothes the soul and makes you Praise God at the wonders of His Hand! Thanks Ladies for a great trip.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Baby Samwich
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Dancing Queen
We were going through some videos because we haven't done it in a while and found this one of Makenna and Josh dancing. I think Makenna is the more coordinated one of the two... what do you think?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Carmel and The Monterey Bay Aquarium
While Josh was away on a Yamasaki Fly Fishing trip the Robertson side of the fam took a short plane trip-- We stayed in Carmel Valley and drove into Monterey one day and Carmel a couple of days. I wish I could say the photo below was the courtyard of our accomodations but that wouldn't be true. Our place was nice for a several day stay with our own kitchen and small yard but not quite so fancy as this. This was a courtyard we passed while strolling the side streets in Carmel -- pretty much everything there is charming. ( side note i'm still new to this blog thing and even though ANNA told me how i could move my pictures about after they got mixed up in the loading all I succeded in doing was enlarging it so they will appear in random order !)
Makenna says "you want me to smile for the camera really now!" This was actually at the end of the trip, taking a break on a park bench in Carmel.
SWIMMING . . . in Pacific Grove-- which i must say i liked much better than Monterey. Water was cold enough to turn your feet to ice cubes but Makenna thought it was just great. Was so great to take her to beach 3 days in a row and when we got back to Roseville made me wish for a beach 2 blocks away instead of the train yard. When the delta breeze kicks ups, i watch the tall grasses bend in the wind, smell the lavender, rosemary, and jasmine in the air and pretend the shore is only a few streets away . . .
Grandmere et Grandpere surveying the beach scene.
Extreme close up of the miss.
A taste of Carmel. This was someones gate into their property and i thought it was so unique and intriguing like going into the secret garden.

A happy foxglove plant in a Carmel planter box.
Here we are at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Makenna was happiest at the outside exhibits which unfortunately were few -- she just loved watching the scuba divers-- nice aquarium experience. Think we'll try the Zoo next since they have to have lots of outdoor exhibits. We did love the sea otters and the wave machine.

Here we are trotting down to the beach in Pacific Grove-- just love that red tipped iceplant and the rocky shoreline.

This was the first day at the beach in Carmel-- didn't even notice the water at first the sand was so captivating and there were theses squirrels-- very domesticated that kept coming right up to where we were sitting-- i mean like a few inches away-- hoping for snack but we had nothing.

Makenna and Grandpere pushing the stroller up the hill from the beach into town in Carmel in search of a snack-- gotta love bringing the stroller to use as a pack animal. We did this several times while we were in Carmel-- push the stroller up the hill that is and every time that Dad ( Grandpere) told the story the number of blocks got greater-- maybe he should have been a fishermen. . .
Here she is the fashion plate posing by the sea . . . Seriously what a nice trip . . . The coast is always great and refreshing. something about the crisp air and the sound of the waves. If you've never been to Carmel I highly recommend it-- I am so blessed to have parents close by to be able to share and make possible such great outings. Thanks Mom and Dad. Merci beaucoup pour les vacance!

A happy foxglove plant in a Carmel planter box.
Here we are trotting down to the beach in Pacific Grove-- just love that red tipped iceplant and the rocky shoreline.
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